
Computing - Maze Game

 This half term, we have been developing our coding skills to create our own maze games - Try out some examples below:  Enes - Controls: w =up s = down d = right a = left Chloe - Press the green flag to begin - Controls arrows  Poppy - Press the green flag to begin - Controls arrows  Ziya - Press the green flag to begin - Controls arrows 


 We have been creating our own Seaonal Vegetable Tart. We developed oe chopping skills with the claw and bridge technique to cut our vegetables. 


 This week was STEM week. We had a visit from the planetarium which was amazing. We then mixed with year 4 to complete a range of activities such as building and launching rockets, orienteering, NASA moon landing and even some CAD rocket creations. 

Taste Testing

 Today, we have been taste testing seasonal vegetables. Our own Seasonal Vesgetable Tart designs pending...

David Hockney inspired Artwork

 Here are some examples of our landscape artwork inspired by David Hockney:

Water Transportation in Plants

  We examined the results of our investigations. Here are the final photos of our plants: The plants in clear water:   The flowers look great, but the celery has gone brown and disgusting! The plants in food dye: The flowers don't look as nice, but the celery hasn't gone mushy.  If you look carefully, you can see veins of red that show where the plant has transported the water!

Internet Safety - Google Team

 Today, we had the Google Team in who delivered an assembly all about internet safety! We managed to earn Internet Legendary status!