
RE - Dance rituals

 Look at some of these amazing photos of our dances in RE. We looked at a number of dances and why different religions dance to worship God such as ‘The Hora, The Sufi and The Mudras.’ 

DT Projects: Pneumatic Toy

 We have designed our own pneumatic toys with a specific brief of it being a toy that would teach a Year 1 child about how air can be used to make objects move. We have now begun construction - have a look at our work so far!

Number Day

 We had a fantastic number of costumes for Number Day! Here are Jay's costumes:
Get involved with some Number Day themed baking ahead of Friday's NSPCC Number Day!

DT mosaics

This week we have been finishing our mosaics inspired by our previous topic Romans and cross curricular links with RE Islamic mosaics. Here are some pictures of our work. 

Pneumatic Systems

 In DT we are going to design and make a Pneumatic toy. Today we made predictions about some Pneumatic Systems before testing them to find out how they worked. Here are some of our experiments using syringes and compressed air:


 This week we used our final design to create our mosaics. First, we chose the tiles we needed to create our pattern. Then we used PVA glue to secure our tiles. After the glue had dried, we used grout to fill the gaps and cement our mosaics together. We spread the grout on and then washed the excess off with water and a sponge. Have a look at our fabulous finished projects!